About Me

About Me

Hi, I’m Yve!

I am a grief educator, an end-of-life-doula, a business professional, a yoga teacher, a writer, a nature lover, and a young widow. Phew! And also, I am a soul having a human experience! I am not always wide awake. I have been caught up in working hard, collecting things, navigating relationships, and drowning in the human condition. In 2019 I was shaken by a life event that has given me a precious opportunity to see and accept my truth – where I am, is exactly where I am supposed to be.

I believe that our soul is taking us on a journey…but we are often paying very little attention to it. Suddenly, there is a moment that shakes us. And we may have no choice but to open our eyes. We begin to notice, question and contemplate, and we get to learn who we really are. This isn’t about seeking the meaning of life, it’s about being present and truly taking part in our own story. I am vulnerable. I laugh, I cry. I feel great joy and deep heartache.

If you are reading this, you are probably here because you are curious. Maybe you are in the midst of a change. Maybe you feel rumblings of awareness. Maybe you are realizing there are gifts available to us even in tough times. I’m glad you are exploring with me!

The name of my blog, My Heart is Riding Shotgun, breaks some of the marketing rules for blog names. It’s too long and the topic is not clear enough. But this phrase is a great descriptor of some of the pain and the humor found on this ride. We all want our best bud or loved one in that shotgun seat.

I publish monthly and my archives are golden and timeless. Check in when you can and share with others. I hope that the sharing of my own experiences helps you with questions that emerge on your great soul ride! Also, go to my page Grieve Inside Out to learn more about grief support, and to End-of-life-Doula for more on support for death and dying. I am available for conversations about any and all of this for you, your community, your organization, or your friends and family.

Follow me on Instagram @grieveinsideout